What is the Acceptance Rate of MIT?

The Competitive College Application: MIT and beyond

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is one of the Top ranking University in all over world known for research and education Innovation – especially in Engineering, Computer Science etc. Being as prestigious of an institution as it stands, MITs acceptance rate is very low which in turn justifies the equally high standards for admission.

Recent Admissions Statistics

Currently, about 4% of applicants are admitted to MIT, which makes it one of the most selective schools in the United States. This rate has declined from the trend of declining admission rates at MIT for just over a decade. In 2014, they accepted around a 7.9% acceptance rate but has been going down slowly since then due to more and more applicants per admission cycle with the number of available seats staying relatively consistent.

Breaking Down the Numbers

MIT received more than 33,000 applications for undergraduate admission in the most recent admissions cycle. Only 1,340 of these students were accepted. That select group is among the best students in the world, underscoring both Princeton’s allure and how eager prospective freshmen are to claim a spot on campus.

Admission Influencing Factors

Applicants are evaluated on various criteria, including academic achievement and standardised test scores, personal essays and extracurricular activities. MIT is looking for students who shine to be: the girl or guy with a broad range of talents, creativity, and personal traits that make them able to have an important impact on MIT’s campus and throughout.

Admitted Student Demographics

MIT admits a diverse population of essays from all 50 states and over 120 different countries across the globe. This experience will be further enriched by the diverse perspectives and ideas that students from across America, and around the world, can bring to our campus. Our MIT community is richly varied, including undergraduates from every economic background possible.

To learn more about how MIT percentage of acceptance of applicants are accepted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, you can also check out detailed admission statistics provided by the university’s Admissions Office.


Getting into MIT is a great feat as the university has an acceptance rate that goes below 3%. In a pool of the most competitive applicants in the world, rising seniors must not only have exceptional academic credentials but also an impressive story that sets them apart from other high school students. Only the most prepared are able to make it through this harsh standalone process — which has been constructed in such a way that students who successfully complete appear ultimately capable of flourishing under pressure and innovation, within MIT.

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